Thursday, June 18, 2009

1. How does values education work to your advantage?

" Values Education helps and give me right attitude on how to conquer all problem's that might come. It also mold us or even me on how to face the he world on our own".

2. After you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjusment in college?

"Having friends and friendly environment here at MCL gives me successful adjusment in college,.. Because I dont feel alone and i trust them".

3. Assignment: Analyze your readiness for college using the checklist "Making transition from highschool to college".

"From highschool i feel that it's only a matter of "gimik" and to study. But now im college level i feel that i must possess the right attitude in the matter of studying and focusing on what i will be made and had been done".

Tuesday, June 16, 2009